Referee AssessmentFocus of Assessments1. Assessors perform Assessments within the CSRP to assist Referees at all levels of the game to improve and sharpen their officiating skills. The Assessment Program is one of several elements of the CSRP to help improve the quality of the Referees who serve the Youth and Adult Soccer Programs in Connecticut. 2. Assessors should approach each match as an objective observer of the officiating team’s performance in executing their duties and responsibilities. An Assessor translates their observations into constructive feedback to reinforce areas of high proficiency and to identify areas of weakness with suggested changes that will help the officials improve and sharpen their officiating skills. 3. At the same time, the Assessor is serving the CSRP by providing feedback on the Referee's ability to effectively officiate at the level of competition consistent with their Referee grade (or requested upgrade). Objective, honest observation of the official’s performance will allow the Assessor to meet both feedback requirements. 4. An Assessor approaches each Assessment with these priorities in mind: Reinforce good practices, identify potential problem areas and recommend solutions, and make a factual report of the official’s abilities to the SDA. The guiding principle for all Assessments in the state should be the same: Help the official become a better Referee. Upgrade Assessment Requirements
Annual Maintenance Assessments
Classification of CSSA Adult Leagues and Competitions
Top Adult, Division 1 Matches:
Division 2 Matches:
Other Amateur:
Assessment Information |