| Pre-Game Instructions- Determine experience if you are unfamiliar with your Referee "teammates"
- Emphasize teamwork, eye contact, cooperation
- Discuss handling of substitutions
- Discuss responsibilities for determining direction of throw-ins, goal kicks, and corner kicks in the Referee's area and the AR's area
- General positioning: offside position, Follow the Ball to the Goal Line
- When to raise the flag for offside
- Goal situations: good goal, offside by the shooter, offside by a non-shooter, ball enters goal and rebounds onto the field
- Assistance required on fouls in and out of the penalty area
- Incidents behind the Referee’s back … how to handle them … when to raise the flag
- Pre game assistance: check nets, count players, take up position, unfurl flag when ready to start
- Half-time and end of game responsibilities
- Post game Referee team assessment
- Pre game will vary based on experience of the Referees and level and age of the players --- Do it every time!