The United States Soccer Federation, National Program for Referee Development, through the involvement of each Referee, is recognized by players, coaches, and administrators as a program which consistently provides excellence in officiating and displays the highest level of professionalism through service and dedication.
To accomplish this, I, as a Referee, am committed to:
- Officiating matches in a fair and safe manner that ensures players and spectator enjoyment.
- Maintaining my physical fitness for peak performance.
- Faithfully keeping all appointments assigned to and accepted by me.
- Supporting my fellow officials with loyalty, pride, and dignity.
- Conducting myself in a way to be ethically and morally beyond reproach.
- Granting players and coaches dignity and self-respect.
- Contributing to the overall development of the National Referee Program.
- Remaining committed to a continuous learning and improvement process that enables me to perform to my full potential.