Southern Connecticut Soccer Officials Assosciation

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Frequently Asked Questions

Choose a FAQ link below to jump to that information...

  • SDI - State Director of Instruction
  • SAC - State Assignor Coordinator
  • SDA - State Director of Assessment
  • SRA - State Referee Administrator
  • SYRA - State Youth Referee Administrator

State Director of Instruction FAQ's

1. Q. Who must recertify?

A. Every Connecticut Referee registered with the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) must recertify every year, regardless of grade. The specific grade requirements for recertification are spelled out in the "Annual Renewal Requirements" section of the
Referee Administrative Handbook.

2. Q. How do I recertify?

A. All Referee Re-certification will be done "on-line". Once the Recertifiation process has been "opened" go to the eReferee Login in the left navigation menu or select the link eReferee to go to the eReferee Online System. The on-line recertification process will usually start in late summer and end no later than November 30.

3. Q. What are the passing scores?

A. To complete Recertification the REFEREES MUST PASS the recertification test:

  • GRADE 8 REFEREES must get at least 75% of the answers correct on the ENTRY LEVEL written test.
  • GRADE 7 REFEREES must get at least 85% of the answers correct on the ENTRY LEVEL written test.
  • GRADE 6 REFEREES must get at least 75% of the answers correct on the STATE LEVEL written test.
  • GRADE 5 REFEREES must get at least 85% of the answers correct on the STATE LEVEL written test.

4. Q. Can I take the test in Spanish?

A. Yes. If you have a Language/Reading difficulty you may want to have someone read/help you with the test questions, but not help you with the answers.

5. Q. What if I have not registered for two years (or more)?

A. The National Referee Committee recommends the use of the following guidelines for re-registering Referees not certified for two years or more:

  • Grade 8 Referees who miss 1-2 consecutive years of registration can be re-registered as a Grade 8 after completing a Referee Re-certification clinic.
  • Grade 8 Referees who miss 2 or more consecutive years must re-take the entire Entry Level Referee Training Course.
  • Grade 7 Referees and Higher - Referees can only be registered at the grade for which they qualify. Referees who were Grade 7 or higher should be downgraded one (1) grade, as per current policy. Once they retake the appropriate course as listed above for Grade 8 Referees and have completed all the requirements for the previously held grade, they may be upgraded.

6. Q. Where can I find all instructions to recertify?

A. On the CSRP Referee Clinic page Referee Clinics

State Assignor Coordinator FAQ's

1. Q. Why do I need to be USSF certified?

A. Compliant to the USSF Directive, all Assignors who assign travel games must become registered. Keep in mind that with your registration you have a registered. Keep in mind that with your registration you have a $1 million dollar umbrella liability policy paid for by the Federation.

2. Q. Who must become certified?

A. Affiliated games require affiliated Assignors. If the game is a competitive, travel match then the Assignor must be registered.

3. Q. How do I become a certified Assignor?

A. Sign up for an Assignor Clinic - upon completion of all the clinic requirements you will be registered as an Assignor. You will need to re-certify every year for the upcoming year.

4. Q. Where do I find the list of Assignor Clinics?

A. For a list of clinics go to the CSRP Event Calandar or click here - check back periodically as Assignor Clinics are scheduled only a couple of times during the year.

5. Q. How do I re-certify once I become a certified Assignor?

A. Assignor Re-certification will be done on-line and can be completed along with your Referee registration click here to go to the eReferee Registration System. If you did not register as an Assignor when you completed your "Referee Registration" or for "Assignor Only" registration proceed through the following steps once you have sucessfully logged in:

  • select the link "Register for a Clinic" from your Referee menu
  • from the drop-down box for "CSRP Referee Clinic You Would Like to Register for" select the clinic "Grade Assignor Assignor....." (this is for the purpose of registration only - no clinic attendance is required at this point for Assignors)
  • next click on the checkbox "Add Assignor Registration $15.05"
  • fill in your choice for method of payment information and click on the "Submit" button only once

6. How am I sure that I am re-certified?

A. A list of certified assignors can be found here and you will receive a current year registration card from USSF.

7. Q. How can I find an upcoming USSF Assignor Clinics?

A. You can find both in-state or out-of-state assignor clinics here.

8. Q. How can I network with other assignors?

A. The master list of assignors can be found here.

9. Q. How can I recommend someone for higher levels of competition (Premier Games, CT Cup, State Cup, Adult games)?

A. You can submit your recommendations to SRA for all higher level matches.

10. Q. How do I get a Referee assessed?

A. Contact the State Director of Assessment to coordinate an assessment for a referee.

11. Q. Is there a reference guide for Assignors?

A. You can refer to the Referee Administrative Handbook.

12. Q. What if I still have a question?

A. Any question can be forwarded to State Assignor Coordinator

State Director of Assessment FAQ's

Refer to the page Referee Assessment for information about the assessment process.

State Referee Administrator FAQ's

Any administration questions can be forwarded to the State Referee Administrator

State Youth Referee Administrator FAQ's

Any Youth Referee questions can be forwarded to the State Youth Referee Administrator

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